The 2024 Request for Applications is closed.

Welcome to the SEF Cultural Foodways RFA. Sovereign Equity Fund is excited to partner with the Mellon Foundation and the Native American Agriculture Fund to host the second round of applications supporting the arts and humanities of Native food and agriculture. We invite TCUs and their partners to learn more about this funding opportunity through this website and in our recent press release.
The Cultural Foodways Fund is an opportunity targeted for Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). To determine eligibility, we reference the official list of TCUs maintained by the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC). The lead applicant for the 2024 Cultural Foodways RFA must be a TCU or a foundation under their control. To be considered the lead applicant, an entity must serve as the project lead/key personnel for the project, have oversight of the budget, and be the primary contact with SEF throughout the duration of the grant. While non-TCUs may not be lead applicants, TCUs may choose to partner with other entities including but not limited to 501(c)(3) organizations, educational organizations, and Tribal governments. Any prospective applicant with questions about eligibility should contact SEF to discuss their situation.
Request Amount: $200,000 for 24 months
The Cultural Foodways category seeks to fund TCUs to conduct projects that focus on learning about, sharing, and safeguarding the artistic, cultural and humanistic aspects of Native foodways. This opportunity is designed to highlight place-based and people-centric connections that focus on the importance of food and agriculture to Tribal communities beyond (but inclusive of) economic value. This includes work that addresses the traditions, ceremonies, cuisines, language, art, storytelling, cosmologies, belief systems, customs, and ways of being intertwined with Indigenous foodways. We are particularly interested in projects that narrate a story of the traditional relationships with food, culture, and values found throughout Indian Country.

The SEF 2024 Cultural Foodways RFA features several supporting documents to aid in the application process. Click on the name below to download a copy.
- RFA Overview
- Question List
- Budget Guidelines
- Budget Template
- Sample Budget
- Sample Budget Narrative
- Foundant Application Tutorial
Online applicants will also find links to some of these within the online grant system. You can download directly from that platform by clicking on the name in the instructions.
A complete application is necessary for review. The online grant system will not allow applicants to submit their application until every required question or upload is complete.
Below is a list of all required documents/questions:
1. Eligibility information
2. Financial information
3. Geographic information
4. Proposal with work plan, narrative and budget information
5. Governing body information
6. Cover letter
Webinars and Resources
Four (4) informational webinars are scheduled for the 2024 Cultural Foodways RFA –
Register for the webinars at the button below.
Below are resources for the 2024 RFA period. Potential applicants can download our RFA presentation, or view the recorded webinars taken from our 2024 webinar series.
Request for Applications
Our 2024 Request for Applications is open March 1 – July 1
Please reach out to SEF at any time through email or phone call.